
14 ft grizzly bear shot

If an Albertan does mistakenly shoot and kill a bear, they should immediately report the incident to their local Fish and Wildlife Enforcement Office to bring matters like this to a quick and fair resolution.". If this bear were in my living room he could bust his head through the ceiling and I could go up stairs and stand eye eye with him. ', "Only one problem. Two young couples are driving through a remote forest when their car breaks down. management. While it was a large grizzly bear the hunters killed, it did not charge them, was not as big as claimed or a world record, and did not eat hikers. The bear was not 14 feet tall, it was not a new world record, and it did not kill anyone. Narrator: If you look at the vegetation in there its not quite tropical but it certainly is not Alaskan. shot a bear through the eye with his winchester in Oct. 1889 near English bay, the bear was actually weighed on a scale after blood and entrails removed: 1,656 pounds, fresh skin squared 13 ft 6 nose to anus by 11 ft 6 arm to arm, head . Dear ACTIVIST this bear is currently mounted and stuffed in the anchorage international airport in anchorage ak. Actual Hunter: The bear was just over one thousand six hundred pounds. Thats pretty terrible, I guess that blows the play dead technique out the window, that guy is dead! The other body has not been found. story house and look over the roof, or walk up to a two story I remember that one too. What do grizzly bears look like? As far as I know this bear didnt, ya know, kill nobody or maul nobody. the past 72 hours. bear and probably angered it. He left the ADN in 2015. JB. This storywas clarifiedby Snopes in May 2002(graphic warning, ), the North American Bear Center explainedthe inaccuracies on its websitefrom a reprintedarticle dating June 2003( here ), and the Associated Press wrote about the hoax in May 2003( here ). Grizzly bears are long-lived mammals, generally living into their mid to late 20s, although some wild bears have lived for over 35 years. PEOPLE KILL PEOPLE BY THE THOUSAND'S EVERY DAY!AT LEAST THE BEAR KILL'S TO EAT!AND OF COURSE, THERE IS THE CHANCE THAT THE BEAR JUST GOT PISSED OFF THAT SOME BIG WHITE HUNTER PUT BULLETS INTO IT.IT WOULD BE A VERY TERRIFYING WAY TO GO OUT OF THIS WORLD! The big bear was still alive so he reloaded and shot it several times in the head. "With this case still open and an investigation ongoing, we cannot comment on the specifics of the incident," a spokesperson for Alberta Fish and Wildlife Enforcement told Newsweek. Because of the temporal closeness of these two accounts, the two stories became confused. Another Fish and Game official told the site: "That bear wasn't responsible for killing any humans.". It will be stuffed, mounted, and placed on display at the Anchorage airport to remind tourists of the risks involved when in the wild. Asearch forFish and Wildlife Commission in Alaskashows no results the posts likely refer tothe Alaska Department of Fish and Game ( ). MamaEagle July 9, 2021 / 12:13 PM / CBS/AP. At 3:30 a.m. one morning, Jim Landess heard banging on his Sterling, Alaska, home. man that would be a great full body mount! The Alaska Fish and Wildlife Commission did not let the U.S. Forest Service employee keep the bear as a trophy. Some Canadians don't agree with the ban on hunting grizzly bears. All rights reserved. For information about our privacy practices, please visit our website. "Fish & wildlife officers believe the occupant(s) of this vehicle could have information essential to their investigation. I picked up the paw and it was like, good God. The thing was as wide as my chest.. A really big bear. Its hide measured 10 feet 6 inches and it weighed between 1,000 to 1,200 pounds, officials said. He also says the bear was not shot on Hitchenbrook Island but, like all good hunters, he wont be specific about where he got it .*************. Multiple inaccuracies in the story of Ted Winnen shooting a large grizzly bear in Alaska in 2002. subscribe to our print edition, ad-free app or electronic newspaper replica here. I had to go check this out at the truth or fiction site goto when wondering about some emails i recieve. honestly, considering the state of our planet. The posts make several claims, some of which are false. Huge bear!!!! He was out deer hunting when a large grizzly bear charged him from about 50 yards away. I love a safe distance. It can look into a two story house?!?!?! Here are some transcipts from the show in exact format. Just imagine an animal of these proportions charging straight at you with nothing but hate and destruction in its very being. The following (first two) pictures are of a guy who works for the US Forest Service in Alaska and his trophy bear. The Alaska Department of Fish and Game confirmed that the bear was not responsible for killing any humans. The big bear was still alive so he reloaded and shot it several times in the head. Of course, the Alaska Fish and Wildlife Commission did not let him keep it as a trophy, but the bear will be stuffed and mounted, and placed on display at the Anchorage airport to remind tourists of the risks involved when in the wild. ), the grizzly bear is a subspecies of brown bear that inhabits western Canada and the northwestern United States. If the bear sat down in a room with you, and was flat on his behind on the floor, and tipped its nose up, his head would be through a normal ceiling by about a foot or two. The U.S. Forest Service, backtracking from where the bear had originated, found the hiker's 38-caliber pistol emptied. His first shot brought the bear down, but he fired several more shots, probably to make sure. Good lord wasn't that a chain email 15+years ago. i JUST ACNT BELIEVE THAT HUNTER KILLED A BEAR. The guy emptied his 7mm Magnum semi-automatic rifle into the bear and it dropped a few feet from him. the world. Not far from the pistol was the remains of the hiker. The big bear was still alive so the hunter reloaded and shot it several times in the head. EEEEEWWWWW thats gross i can not believe that that guy killed that huge grizzly bear. On October 14, 2001, U.S. Air Force Airman Theodore Winnen was deer-hunting on Hinchinbrook Island, Prince William Sound when he and his hunting buddy, Staff Sgt. The post also says a U.S. Forest Service worker shot the bear with a 7mm Magnum semi-automatic Rifle after it charged him and his hunting partner. The hunters were processing a harvested elk near Bull Mountain during an early-season rifle hunt when the bear appeared and charged at them, FWP wrote in a release. greg morin thank you. He was deer hunting last week when the large grizzly charged him from about 50 yards away. If you think that is what Jesus Christ would say, then you understand the Bible very poorly. It stood 12' 6' high at the shoulder, 14' to the top of his head. this makes me want to jerk off until my penis bleeds from the pee hole. Then again, Alaska bears don't have to grow that big to be dangerous. I hate to break it to you, but you re-posted a chain mail hoax. All this despite the fact that Snopes had started clearing the issue up almost immediately, posting its conclusions on May 29, 2002: The North American Bear Center also debunked the exaggerated claims June 8, 2003, on its site website Thats a crazy beast Toby Normans an idiot, why do we want giant bears? Even if it was .38 and would only make it madder, its still a way of defending yourself and you aint got any other choice. Here's the real deal:, HOW DID YOU GET THAT BIG SON OF A GUN OF THE WOODS, how the hell did they drag that big beast out of the woods. The big bear was still alive so he reloaded and shot it several times in the head. His last meal was the unlucky nature buff in I looked it up on snopes, and they said it is a 5 year old story. Oct 13, 2021 Updated Jun 30, 2022. See who is sharing it (it might even be your friends) and leave the link in the comments. The bear's skull measured 27 6/16, making it the largest grizzly taken by a hunter ever recorded. Remember this is the internet, which is worse than the lying porch. It is, however, legal to hunt black bears, which are abundant across the province, and it's possible that the individual responsible for hunting the bear mistook it for a black bear. 2023 USA TODAY, a division of Gannett Satellite Information Network, LLC. Conservation officer Ryan Gordon, based in Fernie . The forest is in Wyoming, more than 100 miles away from Idaho's Fremont County. The bear was just over one thousand six hundred pounds. It stood 12' 6 high at the shoulder, 14' to the top of his head.. The big bear was just over one thousand six hundred pounds. To give additional perspective, this bear, standing on its hind legs, could walk up to an average single story house and look over the roof; or stand beside a two story house and look in the upperbedroom windows. It is the largest grizzly bear ever recorded in the world. Bear experts took a closer look and discovered that, wherever this man died, it probably wasnt anywhere near Alaska. All I can add if there was this one you can be sure there are more and possibly larger than that one. bigfoot iis an UNDERSTATEMENT! Let us know!. The Standard Times confirmed with the Alaska Department of Fish and Gameat the timethat the bear didnt cause any human deaths ( here ). Not far from the pistol was the remains of the hiker. The post says the man emptied his rifle into the bear and shot it several times in the head while it was still alive. It stood 12 feet, six inches high at the shoulder and 14 feet to the top of his head. What would you do if you were doing just that and a huge bear charges you? Stay out of deep woods and go to a resort to have fun ,deep woods are uncharted and you might not make it back. This article was produced by the Reuters Fact Check team. 11. I think there was a little truth and a little tale to that one. [9] When a run-in with a curious grizzly bear ends up with the bear being shot to death, the bear's mate arrives on the scene and vengefully attacks their van. my comment is as follows that creature was tremendous its to bad it was destroyed. I can make schit up too. He worked in cooperation with a scientific expedition headed by Melville N. Lincoln, which was sponsored by a habitat group affiliated with the Los Angeles County Museum. "The big bear was still alive so the hunter reloaded and shot it several times in the head. exemption for fair use of copyrighted works. Kenneth Cates, 53, was found Wednesday morning on a horse trail in a heavily wooded area of the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge near his hometown of Soldotna. What the hell would you do if you saw a bear as big as a 2 story building running at you? The super-size Hinchinbrook bear is a myth from cyberspace. Especially the hunter who shot the bear. He was out deer hunting last week when a large grizzly bear charged him from about 50 yards away. Backtracking from where the bear had originated, the US Forest Service found the hiker's emptied 38-caliber pistol. Winnen was deer hunting with a friend on Prince William Sounds Hinchinbrook Island in Alaska, when they saw a bear fishing on the river. By decree of the Boone and Crockett Club, the nearly nine-foot grizzly bear taken by Larry Fitzgerald (not the Cardinals' wide receiver) near Fairbanks, Alaska, in 2013 is now officially the. Think about this If you are an average size man; You would be The largest ever topped 2,000 pounds and lived out its life at the Dakota Zoo in Bismark, N.D. It's just not called news when I do it. Fish and Wildlife Service employee based in Kodiak. Copyright 2000-2023, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Not far from the pistol was the remains of the hiker. The 2 photos included are from a 1,200 pound bear that was killed. And another plus, that leaves a lot of deer and elk for us good ol boys to eat GIT-R-DONE, imagine seeing that shit looking into you window as you go to take another hit from the bong. With Christopher George, Andrew Prine, Richard Jaeckel, Joan McCall. The big bear was still alive so he reloaded and shot it several times in the head. In this case, the bear was a brown bear, not a grizzly, and between eight and nine feet tall. "It's amazing how stories can change once they circulate around the Internet. imagine having the strength of a bear, you'll be one dangerous dude!!! The posts say that the U.S. Forest Service found the hikers pistol near the remains of his body and that the body of the second alleged victim had not been found. They were posted by a hunter who used the nickname Dalliwacker but who is, according to published articles, Jim Urban. To the skeptics: A 14 ft Grizzly IS INDEED possible. It stood 12' 6' high at the shoulder, 14' to the top of his head. I've sheep hunted with one of the guys involved. holy shit that 1 big ass bear hate to see that while im hunting, Ron White (Comedy Central-Jeff Foxworthy) worked this bear story into his act at the Rialto Theater/Joliet Illinois on October 28, 2006. I recently watched a special on National Geographic and a portion of the show was dedicated to this very same bear and the actual hunter. Female bears with cubs tend to be more prone to attacking out of protectiveness. This is what the post looked like on Facebook at the time of writing: (Source: Facebook screenshot taken on Wed Sep 30 20:26:40 2020 UTC). The service did not report on any bodies or details about the hiker.. And better yet, it became a man-eater. Neither of the hunters was injured. - On Oct. 3, a group of hunters shot and killed a grizzly bear that reportedly charged them in the backcountry east of Gardiner. I didn't think this was the same story. Admittedly, snopes is not my favorite debunker, but it says the story was updated early last year. The story appeared in a post (archived here) published on Facebook on January 3, 2014. All materials posted herein are protected by copyright law and the level with the bears belly button when he stood upright, the bear They remain solely within Alberta's Rocky Mountain and Foothills Natural region. To give Then cut it open and found 2 other hikers iternal oregans in the bears body. BUT ODLY COOL. Sam Kezar. Note to self: You might as well be unarmed as carry a .38 in grizzly country. There was no way . Larry Fitzgerald poses with the largest grizzly bear taken by a hunter. of Fish and Game. However, the bear was shot and killed at the scene. I do understand theres a problem on Stitka Island where bears have learned a gunshot during deer season equals an easy meal, a gut pile .. Youre allowed to kill bear if its a threat to your life but not over the ownership of a deer .. I am confused about this story. But it was not 12 feet, 6 inches tall nor did it weigh 1,600 lbs. Thats another picture that gets associated with my bear. The grizzly bear is a massive animal with humped shoulders and an elevated forehead that contributes to a somewhat concave profile. Where upon a 14 foot grizzly bear was shot to death by a ranger out deer hunting. It stood 12 feet, six inches high at the shoulder and 14 feet to the top of his head. i do feel bad for the people envolved, however,we do hunt them, perhaps they are simply learning to return the favor. The Treadwell story is true, at least the part reported after his death. If this bear stood up, as reported in the web, it could be watching you take a shower on the second floor of your home. Carry a bigger gun and enjoy the wild. I heard about the gross pictures of the chewed up man that went along with this story. Lorenz originally filmed grizzlys without carrying a pistol. He has been a journalist for more than 40 years, nearly 30 of them in newspapers. The true world-record Alaskan brown bear still stands, exhibited in a glass case at the Anchorage Airport. Alaska hunter kills record grizzly bear By Rob Chaney Missoulian May 9, 2014 0 Hunter Larry Fitzgerald of Fairbanks, Alaska, displays the record grizzly bear he killed. The other body has not been found. It showed no aggression at all. Thats the stuff of campfire stories, and definitely not true. : Arthur Brice is a fact checker at Lead Stories. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding., Partly true, partly not. Although the hiker fired six shots and managed to hit the grizzly with four shots (the Service ultimately found four 38 caliber slugs along with twelve 7 mm slugs inside the bear's dead body), it only wounded the bear and probably angered it immensely. The bear in the picture is supposedly as you mentioned: The bear was over one thousand six hundred pounds. Duh. Thanks to some photographs with a distorted perspective the made Winnen's bear look huge, that animal took on an afterlife of its own on the Internet and just kept growing and growing and growing after it was shot. This story just seems to get better and better as it circulates around the 'net. As for the real record-breaking bear, it's under glass, said Ughthe last picture in that Snopes article is quite disturbing. Out of curiousity, what is the record for the biggest grizzly, and how big is the actual grizzly bear in the two legit photos? Tyler Freel. Apparently this one is getting another spate of forwards. Heres an update on the Worlds Largest Bear for all who continue to follow and seek the truth behind this story. It was amazing, he said. The pounding woke Jim's son, Montana, who ventured from his bedroom to the front room . It is the largest grizzly bear ever recorded in the world. twelve 7mm slugs inside the bears dead body) it only wounded the If that werent bad enough, some joker along the line decided to embellish the story with a gruesome prologue, complete with photographic evidence. THAT BEAR IS A MONSTER, WOULD NOT LIKE TO SEE THAT THING COMING AFTER ME!!!! So did plenty of others over the years. MamaEagle Its weight at the time was. They would soon learn that they could overpower any human, and would most likely maul anyone that tried to stop it digging through their garbage cans. This sounds like the same bear story from years ago. October 13, 2021 7:28 pm ET. Leah Lokan, a 65-year-old nurse from California, was on a mountain biking trip with two friends. The population used to be more widespread across the Canadian province, but in recent years their numbers have dropped significantly. An eighteen-foot-tall grizzly bear terrorizes a state park, leaving it up to a Park Ranger to save the day. forgive my morbidity on this, but can anyone verify this story, which l have pasted below: Many regards piedipers It's Ron Whitegood story, but probably not true. Authorities in Idaho are seeking help in locating the person who illegally shot and killed a grizzly bear last month, leaving its cub to die. Before his death, Treadwell tried to create his own, monster-bear-size personal myth before his untimely end, but it died along with him. This is what the rest of the lengthy post said: The Alaska Fish and Wildlife Commission did not let him keep it as a trophy, of course; but the bear will be stuffed and mounted, and placed on display at the Anchorage airport to remind tourists of the risks involved in the wild. The dead bear at the side of the road. By clicking below to subscribe, you acknowledge that your information will be transferred to Mailchimp for processing. But what about that other photo claiming to show the Hinchinbrook bears last meal? NOTE:I would like to point out that the Padres at San Antonio Mission in California had a plaster cast of a bear's foot the was 14" across and a tracing on parchment that was 16" across, which would make it bigger than this bear. Problems Poverty, starvation, global warming, hole in ozone layer, crime, polution, land destruction those are the same pictures that I had from the story that was sent to me. The bear killed the hiker an estimated two days prior to the bear's own death by the gun of the Forest Service worker. The bear in question was shot by Airman Ted Winnen, of Eielson Air Force Base near Fairbanks, Alaska, on Oct. 15, 2001, according to the North American Bear Center. "You wouldn't believe the number of calls we've received about that story," said Willow Gaber of the Alaska Dept. BUT WHAT AN HONOR!.MUCH MORE SO THAN TO BE KILLED BY ONE OF YOUR OWN.JUST THINK OF THE GREATNESS OF SUCH A TOTEM! So, the bear was actually killed in October 2001, but the "news article" that starts this thread has a dateline of July 26, 2006. Here are some info and photos but as I mentioned take it for what its worth. Outdoorsmen should recognize the difference between black bear and grizzly bear excrement: Black bear excrement is smaller and contains lots of berries and squirrel fur. And as for being level with its belly button while its standing on its back legs?! Next 500 years 32 Billion people or more Ministry of Environment confirmed the experienced hunter and taxidermist is currently in stable condition. Yes, that is gross. Based on the contents of the bear's stomach, it was established that the bear had killed at least two humans in the 72 hours before its demise which included a missing hiker. To give additional perspective, consider that this particular bear, standing on its hind legs, could walk up to an average single story house and look over the roof, or walk up to a two story house and look in the bedroom windows. There were 14 .22 caliber . It stood 12 6 high at the shoulder, 14 to the Fitter They will either be killed off or they will end up in a zoo. The bear was 10 feet, 6 inches, which is large for a grizzly in the Prince Williams Sound area, but not a world record, according to Snopes. . You couldn't out run the dadgum thing what else are you going to do? We also advise outdoorsmen to carry pepper spray with them in case of an encounter with a bear." The bear was just over one thousand six hundred pounds It stood 12' 6" high at the shoulder, 14' to the top of his head while standing on all 4 legs. In 2021, it was estimated that the Alberta grizzly bear population stood at between 856 and 973. Winnenthen shot it through the head andshot into the bears vital area to confirm it was dead. Much of this was copy and pasted from other times this claim has been posted, but at the end, Botts adds his own note. Aim small. I have put my art on WEBSHOTS (karenvstefanini) for bear protection fundraising. After seeing the story on the 14-foot grizzly, hunters . Next time, make sure that bear is down! ",, Fact Check: Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, Ballot Incident Was NOT Related To Anti-GOP Postal Workers, Fact Check: The United States Has NOT Labeled Antifa A Terrorist Group, Verified signatory of the IFCN Code of Principles, Facebook Third-Party Fact-Checking Partner. A grizzly bear that dragged a woman from her tent and killed her in Montana has been shot dead. Terry Bradshaw. It looks like 90% of you read the first paragraph, looked at the pictures and wrote your comments. You must log in or register to reply here. One of the hunters used bear spray while the other shot a gun at close range, giving the bear fatal injuries. ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) A man on a day hike in a rural area was killed when a bear bit his head, Alaska State Troopers said Wednesday. It was shot by someone who drove off at high speed. posters and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Free Republic or its A stunning video captured a moment few are lucky enough to experience: a group of travelers in Alaska came face-to-face with a giant grizzly bear as it roamed . It's measurements were determined by a skull found by a taxidermist in 1976. The posts also say that the Fish and Wildlife Commission established that the bear had killed at least two humans in the 72 hours before it was shot, including a hiker who went missing two days prior. However, the accompanying story is about another hunter and another bear. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson, I mentioned take it for what its worth are driving through a remote Forest when their breaks. Copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson, http: //, Partly true, at least the part reported after his.! Their numbers have dropped significantly used to be more prone to attacking of. Last meal, backtracking from where the bear as big as a trophy than 100 miles away from Idaho #... Commission in Alaskashows no results the posts likely refer tothe Alaska Department of Fish and Wildlife Commission did not on! Would say, then you understand the Bible very poorly look at the truth behind this story employee! Chain mail hoax they circulate around the 'net x27 ; s skull measured 27 6/16, making it the grizzly... Young couples are driving through a remote Forest when their car breaks down was on a mountain trip. 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Alaska bears do n't agree with the Alaska Department of Fish and (...

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14 ft grizzly bear shot