giant sweet tarts from the 70s

!! Anyone know if an answer was ever available? PLEASE BRING BACK THE OLD SWEETTARTS FROM THE 1960'S & 1970'S! While we would like every store to offer each item we make, it is their decision as to which products they will carry. Ok, I was born in 1961, and I used to buy the giant sweet tarts in 1972 from a local sweet shop across from my school. I wish they'd bring back just the cherry and grape regular sized multi packs, for both Sweetarts and Spree don't like the green (except when they used to be lime) or watermelon. I know they have some old time candy there. $1.79. ea. I too remember and long for the giant hockey puck Sweettarts. I am so sad that I can not find them anywhere. Thanks for listening and I'm glad I found so many others like me. What ashamed! Cool completely before frosting. I would always get these at the pool because they would last all afternoon. I'm sure my mom never knew that I was licking these things until my tongue bled. And yes, how pathetic, however, I would stock up on these also. I have searched and searched the internet and all I can find are the drink tablets, not the candy. Not gonna happen! These larger than life disks of flavor . I would just grind it down with my bottom teeth until. $45.80. IT'S NOT FAIR!!!!! Loved them! My husband doesnt remember them and thinks I imagined them. Each giant-sized box is packed with cute mini boxes, and even though there are two different flavors, we recommend you mix them . $11.99. I would spend every summer in the Canal Zone in Panama (1973-1982) and would buy them at the shopette. So lame! Bite into the sweet and tangy goodness of SweeTARTS candy! I burst into sobbing, tears. Explains the Diabetes I have today!! That's the original giant sweetart not two but one! For more recent exchange rates, please use the. 36 Count Pack. They were the best! The small ones are ok, but doesn't have the same impact as having a large one in your mouth to scrape your teeth on and run your tongue over it until it is raw. I contacted Nestle and they sent the following reply: Dear Ms. Schramm, Thank you for contacting Wonka SweeTARTS Candy. :( boo, I remember reading something a long while ago that the reason they discontinued them was that they were considered a choking hazard. Sore tongue! Would eat those until my tongue would not taste anything for a few hours! I would Soo enjoy them; even though they made my tongue bleed! 1000.0 pieces (Min Order) . $56.45. you won't be disappointed.and with all the food allergy FOLKS a lot of kids(ADULTS) are so limited on what kind of candies and goodies they can have they need good candies like giant sweet tarts and wacky wafers those are my other favorites that don't contain dairy or chocolate and I am not allergic too or my family wouldn't be ALLERGIC eitherPLEASE BRING THESE CANDIES BACK WE WOULD BE SO GREATFUL!!!!!! I bought the carton of cigarettes without an ID and with no questions asked by the clerk. google_ad_type = "text_image"; I loved the giant sweet tart (one large to a pack) in the mid sixties! If a mold of the old giant sweet tarts existed, you could "home make" them by crushing up the existing sweet tarts (or pixie sticks powder) and make them like soap. Does Wonka make SweeTARTS? They did the same thing with Cheetos. Dont forget the giant cherry heart sweet tarts. Giant Sweetart Candy. It seems there are a lot of fans of the old school GianTarts! I also liked Goldberg peanut chews with dark chocolate. THEY WERE THE BEST!!! Good, albeit simpler times. I think they were made by a company called O peechee, Alias smith and jones, dark shadows and giant sweet tarts that made your tounge bleed. LOOOOVED! You're right, made your tongue raw and it was sooooo good! With all the fat people in our country you'd think it would be a big seller. Alsowasn't orange a sweetart flavor ever? Enter your search keyword . google_ad_format = "120x600_as"; I would walk or ride my bike there to get these giant sweet tarts. WHY DO THEY CHANGE THINGS THAT ARE ALREADY FANTASTIC AND MAKE THEM AWFUL?? I hate when things get replaced with crap that isn't nearly as good :( If they would bring those back, even for a little while, they would sell out. The original one's I remember were in the 60s I was in 4th and 5th grade so count that back I am 55 now. We offer gummies, classic roll twists, chewy packs, and more. NOW WHERE ARE THESE PEA PICKIN SWEAT TARTS!!!!??". This page was last updated: 01-Mar 18:43. :-) Someone told me the other day that they saw them in a candy store in Seaside, Oregon. I lived in town and walked home from school. Add to cart. Wonder if they're really the original? Reading everyone's comments makes me yearn for my favorite candy. Then they changed the taste and they made them more crumbly, were they dissolve way too quickly. please pray hard for hard giant sweet tarts. I remember licking the think ones until my tongue bled. They were the best!!! SweeTarts - 1.8 oz Each - Bulk Candy Store Giant Chewy Sweetarts - Hello Sweets Candy Shipping calculated at checkout. They were my favorite in the 60s & 70s. Mine is the same as everyone else's here. Grape was first, then cherry, and then the other colors. I am from Panama. who came up with chewy sweettarts? When I was little I used to get packs and packs of the original sweetarts in my Easter basket instead of the usual Easter candy. Be it berries and cherries, giant chewy, or the regular chewy SweeTarts, none of them are vegan. pack. Dotdash Meredith Food Studios. The chewy ones are disgusting. : o) Gimme my old fashioned, ORIGINAL SWEETARTS DADGUMMIT! Give it at least a thought. Yes raw bleeding tongue! I tell everyone it was the size of a yoyo! I really wish they would!!! 2. I wished for years that they would bring them back but I no longer eat sugar so it's probably just as well. I didn't care for them when they came two to a pkg. I could literally eat giant sweetarts everyday of my life! Wonka- bring them back for the sake of the 70's generation!!!!!! Later they were replaced with a version with two to a pack containing different flavors. Oh my! so sad, All I can think about is how we all pretty much agree on the fact that either the roof of your mouth or tongue would be raw after eating these. This is hilarious!! I remember that I always had a hard time deciding which one to buy between the pink and purple ones. I remember getting caught with one at school in 4th grade & almost being sent to the principal's office for refusing to put my precious sweet tart in the trash! //2007-06-05: inthe70s Blue is my all-time favorite. Tart red cherry notes mingle with a salty minerality tinged with sweet tobacco, cedar, and chocolaty tannins. We were lucky to have keeped our teeth when biting into the large sweet tarts. The chewable ones ARE lame. But not if it had the Wonka name on it. Sweet Tarts do not contain any protein or fiber. I too, have a roller rink memory associated with this delicious treat! The following are links about Giant Sweet Tarts (not chewy) you may find interesting. Oh man what I would give to have just one more. Bring them back! Brands in the '70s were pretty creative. One package of Sweet Tarts contains 39 g of carbohydrates, all of which are from sugar. CandyKing Jelly Giant Cola Bottle Pick & Mix Sweet - Scandinavian Candy & Sweets, Sugus Jumbo Candy Green Apple Bar 48 g.Flavoured Chews Party Snack Free Shipping, Sugus Candy Thai Dessert Jumbo Assorted Fruits Apple Chewy Party Supplies 95 G, Zed Candy Watermelon & Cherry Jumbo Jelly Beans By Weight 1kg - 1.750kg, Sugus Jumbo Blackcurrant Raspberry Chewy Candy Thai Dessert Chew Snack Lot 94.5G. My tongue was ten. They were a favorite of me & my siblings in the 70s. Usually retired products do not come back." thanks I am 51 years old and would frequently love to enjoy the old giant hockey puck tarts again! Submit a story or info about Giant Sweettarts,

giant sweet tarts from the 70s