A catalyst that will make us pause, reflect upon, and discuss what sort of country we have been, where we are today, and where we want to be in the future. And how can we celebrate our nation on a date that so many mourn? Warning: This article contains images of Indigenous people who have died. A lot has happened in the last few years which has forced us to reflect on our values and the racial inequality of the world we still live in. But every celebration, every BBQ, every family gathering, is tainted by the knowledge that this day was the beginning of the end for many Aboriginal people. Stop supporting Whites who claim to be victimised Blacks! } Through his advocacy work, Mr Dawe wants to break the cycle of trauma which happens to Aboriginal children who are placed in out-of-home care. Cancelling the commemoration completely would move the conversation around racism forward in this country, while also highlighting the needs of First Nations peoples. Let your local MPs know that this is an issue that is important to you. Warning: This article deals with the topic of targeted violence against certain groups and may be triggering for some readers. j.src = } Fifty-nine percent of survey respondents agreed the Black Lives Matter movement, which gained renewed tractionlast year after the murder of George Floyd in the US, was making an important contribution to conversations about racial injustice in Australia. w[ l ] = w[ l ] || []; You dont pretend your birthday was on a different day you look at your whole lifes experience, Morrison said. Many companies have actually started giving their employees another day off, like January 27th, and leaving January 26th as a working day. She saidthe change in attitude around Australia Day was a sign the country was "growing and maturing as a reconciled nation". color: yellow!important; The unfortunate reality for the Australia Day Council, and for the rest of the nation, is that this isnt an issue that is ever going to go away. Ihsan is used to describe Islamic excellence and its pursuit. .postid-1764461 .panel-signup { text-align: center; That means that the Day of Mourning (1938) is only 3 years younger than Australia Day as we know it today, and everyone having Australia Day on the 26th of January has happened notably less times than I have celebrated my birthday. Its also not like this day has been celebrated for a very long time. The Indigenous communities declared it a Day of Mourning that remains recognised to this day. The answer will tell us all we need to know about how great a country Australia is. func(); Articles, podcasts, videos, research & courses tackling the issues that matter. It's a day "for all Australians, no matter where our personal stories began, [to] reflect on being Australian, celebrate contemporary Australia and recognise our history," according to the National Australia Day Council. if(change_link == true) { It was only in 1994, 26 years ago, that it officially became a public holiday. 2023 Australian Ethical Investment Ltd (ABN 47 003 188 930, AFSL 229949). In fact, Australia comes in thetop five nations for inclusiveness, only be beaten by Canada, USA, South Africa, and France. May 9, the day of the first sitting of Federal Parliament in 1901 and the day that Parliament moved to Canberra in 1927. Luke Pearson, Why I No Longer Support #changethedate, IndigenousX, January 2019. var f = d.getElementsByTagName( s )[ 0 ], And thats one of many reasons why Australia Dayshould be changedfrom January 26th to some other more suitable day. 5. We cannot change the date without overwhelming majority support for its replacement. Ive written about that date before, its origins and forgotten storiesand recent almost-comical attempts to protect a public holiday. for (var t=0; t
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