
worm fanfiction godlike taylor

Not entirely sure why she was smiling considering the awful recent experience shed had, not to mention a pretty stressful day otherwise, Amy went into her house and closed the door quietly behind her. Alec laughed slightly while Brian went quiet, sighing a little after a second or two. Her friend, her oldest friend, someone as close to her as a sister, suddenly wasn't. She looked at him again, while he listened. Your wild guesses tend to be scary good. I solved that in the end by setting up this model of body like a speed buffer, which gets resynced with the rest of me every millisecond or so but runs much slower. Well He didn't want to be rude to someone who seemed pretty agreeable to talk to so far. Something you should be very, very grateful about. Staring at him with wide eyes, she barely heard Piggot saying her name until the woman raised her voice. When I hear OP's request, I think a god like creator god, or maybe like a divine administer, someone who embodies and holds total power over some domain of existance. I dont really need one, Hive replied with a grin in her voice. That much parallel processing power lets you simulate almost anything you can imagine. Amy nodded. Humans. This stopped him for a few seconds. Cool, isnt it? Staring carefully he could just about make out a faint distortion against the background, the effect a little like the one in the Predator movies, which was an unsettling idea. Deciding it was probably because everyone knew where New Wave lived she dismissed the thought and enjoyed the flight, which was weirdly different from what her sister did. Chagas disease? I've enjoyed it so far, hope there will be more. Even after her death, her husband and daughter knew very little about her. We know youre here little girl, this one called in a rough voice full of malicious amusement. And they can produce some weird results. Both true. She nodded. Did anyone else notice the Home Alone reference in Crystals section? I suspect it was thrown through a window some distance from the lockers. I learned to live with it in the end but it wasn't easy. At least? Taylor Hebert triggers inside her locker. Lyme disease? People pick up on that sort of thing at a subconscious level, so its important to at least pretend or they start backing away and trying not to make eye contact. He grinned at her. A quick inner debate and a check of the time had him end up moving towards it while tapping his earpiece. Reluctantly reaching out he picked it up and read the new message. It would have been fairly quick, I believe, he added after a moment. She was terrified of telling her father, but she told the teachers, people who should have listened and done their jobs. Are you going to go after Sophia? he added after some thought, tensing a little just to be on the safe side. Under the new illumination she could see the wasp was a little smaller than a normal yellowjacket and completely matte black in color. Which makes it murder, of course. On top of a major arson case, all of it firmly in our purview, the rather obese woman sighed. Incomplete, and I haven't read it in a while, but I remember it being quite good. Glowworm is a Worm fanfic written by redshirt. Work Search: I mean she hasn't blown anything up or fought a dragon or pissed off Halbeard (god I love that name). Oh dear Lisa, hopefully Taylor can fix what you and your Shard have done to yourself. It was basically some form of insect at heart, but hugely and expertly modified with clear intent to form what she saw. Trap? I have to ask. I know she claimed not to be one, but the ability to understand Tinker-tech to any level rates at least a 3 to 4 rating. Dutifully Dragon added the classification. Reaching a cross alley, she looked both ways, flipped a mental coin, and turned left. She tried a couple of doors that led into the buildings she was at the back of, but they were locked. Not even slightly. There wasn't anything else to do, those guys were only about twenty seconds behind me and coming in the only way out. So in the end she gave up and just took it, hoping it would one day stop. Dragonslayers? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The healer gasped in amazement. Then A little more than a year later, the girl went off to camp, and when she came back everything had changed. She nodded. Some thought that a trigger event was the traumatic part of getting powers. No family left. The fledgling PRT and Protectorate were quick to encircle it with walls once theyd confirmed strange creatures had begun to emerge from its depths and odd phenomena followed at their heels. And also one of the luckiest. We may have been unable to prove it before, but if and when I can rectify that She smiled unpleasantly. I was admiring the design. Changer 7 to 8? Two of them had metal baseball bats and the other one had a machete. The exoskeleton seemed to be made primarily of carbon, in the shape of incredible monomolecular structures, all biologically created. Oh my god, thats amazing. Theogony by Darth Marrs on is pretty much this Y'know, I think we have a vocabulary problem. Checking the time he winced. But she knows one hell of a lot about DNA and insect manipulation, I can tell you that much for sure. Ive never liked Amelia much. All right. They couldnt do much more than try to stop the remainder of the school going up and the fire spreading to other buildings. The storage capacity alone is just staggering. Youre certain it was her? she asked quietly. Its more than just that. The tone of her voice made him stare. Inside she found Director Piggot, Armsmaster, Miss Militia, and on a monitor overlooking the table they were sitting around, the face of Dragon. Btw, it doesn't have to be specifically about Taylor, but any character. "Plus since I designed it, I can also make it do almost anything I want. Dawn of Worm Taylor is a Primarch from an AU version of Warhammer 40k, complete. Or right, perhaps. She made them. Her sister frowned a little, trying to understand. For what it's worth, though, I've posted what I finished. He stared in shock. Youre certain of parahuman involvement in the fire? Yes, that much I am sure of. Do you know how many neurons there are in a human brain? He shook his head. Greg Veder finally works up the courage to confess to Taylor Hebert in their senior year of high school - only to find out much more than he bargained for. Whoever did this work is brilliant. Thanks again, Hive commented, sounding like she would be grinning given a more human face. She reappeared, fading into view more slowly as the effect was gradually turned off. Subjectively it took years to come up with the right design. He never even saw the huge, ugly monstrosity of a truck, festooned with armament, that came around the corner fifty feet away at over sixty miles an hour. Taylor controls all the Endbringers. It was very complicated to come up with and like I said a while ago, it was only today that I finally worked out all the bugs. The family wasn't the same after that, obviously. Like literally in the D&D sense. If youd asked me that sometime in the first twenty or thirty years, Id have happily said I intended to do unto her what she did unto me, with interest, but I grew up. Dragon, weirdly, did. She almost sounded scared. What do you know about second triggers? They're incredibly rare, for a start, he replied. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Ill interview her myself next, I think. He looked around, then leaned against another similar unit. Based on my own research if anything she was underplaying it. Before I settled on the story that ballooned hopelessly out of control into Taylor Varga I had a number of ideas for Worm stories, three of which I initially wrote one or more chapters of. The night watchman had gone for a smoke outside the front door and the cleaning staff had all left by the point it started. On. ShayneT exclusively writes extremely powerful characters (mostly Taylor), all fics except his current one are complete (5 total) and around 200-300k words. Well, like I said, I panicked and hid. Everywhere. I swear I never stole anything, I never meant to hurt anyone,I swear, I swear that I'm a good kid, A good kid, Who's had a bad run". In her case, it was the "vision" that followed. Taylor Hebert A (not so) completed Worm fanfic by Yklia written on the Spacebattles forums. It was definitely Taylor Hebert, Im afraid. Poor kid, the Director of the ENE PRT muttered. The real trick is making it work from all angles. Are you available, Colin? A familiar voice spoke from beside him as the Tinker peered through a microscope of his own devising, gently manipulating tiny tools while watching the result. My instincts tell me your instincts are probably right, one way or another. What do we tell the father? Armsmaster asked, half-turning to the door as he spoke, then waiting. Ah. Run. Which is the fact that, for the last six weeks, there have been no new cases of malaria diagnosed. Assault is right. But I pretty much got better. But everyone else seemed to believe it. There was nothing left except for a few fragments of bone. He twitched quite a lot, the sound taking him by surprise after the silence of the roof broken only by the hum of the air conditioner fans and a faint sound of traffic from the road ten stories below, muted due to the fact it was Sunday. ", i second this. Adrian Gorgey May 11, 2015 #2 I- Coronation It was dark. Easy enough to influence if you know how. They looked at each other for a few seconds more. Dart? Wasp. At her puzzled look, Hive held up a hand, which immediately had a small insect land on it. She saw Assault, minus his mask, glaring at her. 'Nearly a week since my life ended.' Off. Mosquitoes are a major food source for a lot of insectivores, which in turn are eaten by other things. Pulling her head back she stifled the whimper she nearly made, wondering what they wanted. She claims she only knew her to speak to in passing and I have no specific information to disprove that, but my instincts tells me shes hiding something. Your lie detector didnt help? Piggot asked curiously. This has been rumbling for a little on my snippet thread and finally reached the point where it really needed a home of its own. Not least because no one listens anyway. I turned off most of my emotions a long time ago, they just caused problems. Shading his eyes with his hand, he peered into the distance, curious for the moment rather than concerned. The few times she did fight back, she was the one punished as no one believed her over her tormentors, who were well connected for various reasons. My phone is dead, Amy said after shaking her head a little to clear her thoughts. As far as Im concerned that entire thing was four centuries ago and I dont hold a grudge that long, generally. Malaria is a major disease. Its killed more people through history than anything else, she replied seriously. Let me finish this and I'll tell you the story, OK? she suggested. E88 or ABB? the blonde asked. I also wanted to tell you that Im putting up some wards around the house. Nothing happened for a while. No. She shook her head. Overpowered much? Her head moved in a nod. Dispatch, this is Assault, I'm just going off route to check something. Do you require backup, Assault? the voice of the dispatch officer asked briskly. She mentally stalled, staring at the figure watching her curiously from a short distance away. It would be a massive coincidence if there was something else out there at the same time doing it. OK, weve got Thinker 9? The figure disappeared from view as he bounded up the side of the next building over, redirecting his kinetic energy to keep him moving steadily upwards, bouncing between the two buildings. The DNA test was conclusive, despite the small sample still viable. His mouth was set in a hard line under the visor of the helmet he was wearing, part of a suit of extremely advanced power armor. Holding another hand above it, Hive made the appendage glow a soft green color like a firefly, which Amy realized was almost certainly from the same chemical reaction. The four arms are different, and the wings are even stranger. The pause this time was considerably longer. Twenty years have passed since the Fissure opened. Theres nothing you have or are that she wants. The Director looked extremely angry and also nearly as scared as Assault did. The fire spread much too quickly and burned far too hot to be accidental but there is no sign of normal accelerants. Hopefully I can improve on this with some practice and come up with something that at least looks more human, but this will do for now. She paused, then went on, The biggest problem I have is thinking slowly enough to communicate with you people. Where have you been for more than two months? Studying him wordlessly for a while, she eventually walked back with an air of mild resignation, somehow conveyed without the aid of normal expressions. She laughed bitterly. Posted since I came across it while sorting out files and thought some people might find it interesting for one reason or another. Oh god I am so excited this is getting it's own thread. In a murder? Shes come very close, although admittedly almost by accident as far as I know, more than once before, Piggot said tiredly. It would be a considerably darker story that Taylor Varga although not to the level of unrelenting grimness that canon Worm is. Its only me now. I'm sorry, he stated, meaning it. So for now sit back, relax, and enjoy Taylor desperately trying to retire. I could see it could have some uses for reconnaissance, that sort of thing, he ventured. Muggers!? No. Do you think she was behind the anomalies you detected? The insect-borne diseases, definitely, Dragon confirmed with a nod. As close as Taylor was to her mom, she barely knew of her time with Lustrum. About what? The internet. She sighed. And she remembers you all right. Her complexion went an unpleasant brown-gray color. It looks like someone or something has more or less downloaded the internet. He gaped at the monitor for a few seconds. Amy stared, shocked and puzzled. Nice try. She could have fought back, of course, but a lot of the time the abuse was mental rather than physical, something teenaged girls are terrifyingly good at. Exactly. No, Im not. Then it copied her mind into it. Amy smiled a little. She was similarly pretty if looked at more as a work of art than a weird looking human. 'Female, I think,' he mused. So you're not human, then? he asked. Hello, Tattletale, the thing said in a womans voice, a note of satisfaction in it. A subreddit to discuss fanfics for Wildbow's works! To visit familiar areas while I worked out what I'd do next. A local, then? he asked quietly. I think. Walking slowly closer, Amy inspected the creature who was watching her. It looked much closer to the head of some sort of wasp if anything, with compound eyes and a pair of obviously insectoid antennae sticking up from between them at the top. I hid behind a dumpster, which is where I got that crap on me. In a way. Assault sat there for a while during which she went back to watching the wasps dance in the air. Well, when my abilities did what they did, I kind of overwrote a lot of normal insect behavior. Amy nodded convulsively. Not any more. Slipping easily off her perch, she stood and looked around. Dismissed. Director. He nodded one last time to her then left the office, closing the door quietly behind himself. Amy was just wondering if she'd meet Hive again. Its a dirty job but someone has to do it. Not a parahuman, a goddess of nature, then, he said with a wondering chuckle. Even if it's just an unconfirmed suspicion, she should know better than many that outing Capes is a bad idea. Not to mention all the other arthropods. You're Taylor Hebert. After a few seconds, she shook her head. Until she triggered with the biggest ego of all: that of Gilgamesh, the King of Heroes. A very, very large one. Colin went pale, slumping back in his chair, as the ramifications of her bombshell went through his mind. The smaller man was being his usual self and their long-suffering leader was beginning to get annoyed about it. Director Piggot looked at the photos in the opened folder and winced despite herself. Hive. A set of GPS coordinates followed the message. Dont worry, Im not going to cause any problems for you guys unless you cause problems for me, she eventually said, turning and walking back towards the edge of the roof. Here, now, the light of hope shines bright. Once I managed to get enough control over the insect senses and decode the vision, which was a pain in the ass, I started watching what Tinkers were doing all over the place. She snickered a little, shaking her head. Over the last few weeks Ive seen traces of unusual activity. Has a bit of power wank, but most of the conflict so far is people not having figured out Taylors stronger than they are. After a few seconds, she held up her upper right hand, the superhero beside her watching with interest as a wasp appeared from nowhere and landed on the extended first finger. Nothing I can pin down, nothing I can locate specifically, but a lot of it. There was a Post-GM fic where Taylor became house-wife and rising a daughter in the world where she(Khepri) is worshipped like a god and her husband is a priest of this religion, An Idiot's Guide to the Underworld [Worm/Hades] short, I didn't enjoy Hades much cause its not my type of game, but that was incredibly enjoyable, Divine Administration - of Gods and Bureaucracy, Here! There was abruptly a face smirking at her from ten feet away. She was at the extreme other end of the loading area but it wasnt all that big so it wouldnt take them long to find her. My normal mental speed is so much faster that it can get pretty boring waiting for something to happen. And call me Amy. Some people think he writes his protagonists as too aggressive/violent, but if you're ok with the premise of each fic nothing leaves plausible territory. Scared yet? He sounded amused, which she thought was just unfair. Presumably the conductive pathways were to allow the released electricity to exit through the claws. She shouldnt really be in the position shes in because of that. The woman sounded sure of her conclusions. What are you talking about? Relenting having managed to extract a lot of amusement out of telling her sister the story piecemeal while watching the reactions, Amy explained the entire encounter in detail, leaving nothing out. You did it? I did. "Taylor?" "It's you!" Taylor exclaimed. Not the way you're probably thinking. She turned to look at him. The second story I started is this one. 'Nearly a week,' he thought, closing his eyes for a moment. Kill all the insects, everyone on Earth follows them in a few weeks. It's great to see this get a thread of its own; the whole premise is interesting and I like a lot of the small things dotted around, like how casually Taylor interacts with everything. And why am I here? Director Piggot stared hard at her. I think Id like that. Ive got your number. All you get are bad gradesAnd a bum rap And a bad rap And a good smackAnd no friends And no hope And no mom. Hive must have truly incredible visual acuity and sensitivity. Other than that, Ive got a lot to think about. She looked over her shoulder at him for a second. Press J to jump to the feed. Assault looked at his phone as it beeped at him, picking it up and seeing he had a text message. Aside from the obvious. Way too much work. Shaking a little as he wondered frantically how much of that had been a joke, he watched as she looked slowly around. he was talking to seemed to have a sense of humor that resonated with his own. Desperate to live beyond a life of isolation, she must learn to survive a planet without mankind while dodging predators, stall her starvation, and discover where the hell everyone went. I have absolutely no idea where youd even begin on something like that. She didn't respond at first. Basically everywhere. What sort of activity? Colin watched as she looked momentarily uncertain, not a common occurrence. It's made worse by the way no one listened when the girl tried to get help. She realized what was happening as she started to cook. He stared at her, the matter of fact voice belying the horror of what it was saying. Looking at it she was just in time to see a small black insect fly away. Look, Im going to have to get back, Ive managed to miss most of my patrol. I didn't even notice until I left the hospital. She shook her head a little at her own foolishness. He was finding the lack of human expressions somewhat disturbing despite himself although her body language was nonthreatening. And worried him more than a little, despite his conclusions from a while back. Oh, yes. Thats is that normal? Not even slightly. She shook her head a little, a puzzled expression on her face. The thing that he kept coming back to was that he was fairly sure she wasn't fully human. A parahuman with global reach? he eventually said. For example, if it's just a story where Taylor can control the Endbrings and fixes all the problems in the world in a couple of chapters, I won't be interested in that. All this from whats basically a completely broken Thinker/Master combo We havent finished yet either, Piggot sighed, also looking at the monitor. They were standing on the sidewalk outside her house. Ive never seen that toxin before. He waited silently, thinking there was something vaguely familiar about this. What rains you bring Another Diebuster cross, but less escalation, incomplete IIRC. She shrugged slightly. The first couple of decades were very bad. 134 guests Six billion or so humans on the planet, times ninety billion per human, gives a total neural capacity for the species of about five hundred and forty quintillion neurons. OK, he said slowly, wondering where she was going with this. It's been a very long time since I've seen the sunrise with my own eyes like this. We haven't been over much lately but we used to come have barbeques with your mom and dad." She winced a little at her own statement but otherwise did an admirable job of pretending that my dad hadn't just been killed in an accident. The other one time, when something actually happened, the information just ended up in a file somewhere for the happy day when they could finally nail the bastard to a wall without breaking the so called unspoken rules. All right, then. Her voice sounded amused. Looking up for a moment she couldnt see any trace of her. Yep. She has absolutely no reason to lie and nothing to gain from it. Combat uses are less obvious but I guess being stung a lot would slow most people down if nothing else. True, she replied. Humans are animals after all and animals are just really complicated bags of chemicals. You can come out if you want, a female voice announced out of nowhere, sounding mildly amused. Little is publicly known about it, save that the tremor of its creation rippled around the world. Not a good person, that girl. She recognized codings that seemed to come from various sources, such as mollusks, fish, mammals, even plants. Im limited to arthropod-based designs right now although I can pull in all sorts of interesting DNA modifications from other things, but if it drifts too far away from what youd probably think of as an insect its nonviable. Fours a Party I believe qualifies, at least eventually. Then I have to insist, they get pissy about it, which leads to screaming, blood, and missing body parts. She waved a hand again, flicking the idea aside with a sarcastic snort. You may extract some amusement value from it, you might not. Colin, its every single disease that affects humans and is spread by or involves an insect vector. What muggers? Her face was going that peculiar shade of red that Amy knew from long experience meant she was going to do something stupid without thinking it through. Zero. I want to talk to you about several subjects. Vicky was still looking befuddled, and muttering about giant bugs. Amy paused, then nodded. Four arms? Vicky gaped at her sister. That's five point four times ten to the twentieth power for human neurons. Itll do for the moment. The wings began to flap rapidly as she lifted off. Weapon. They knew to hide their differences. Theres one other thing that Ive been wondering about, but I dont have any proof yet. It was strange. Her sister waited, while she thought, looking impatient. She had parents who were good and loving people, despite not being well off, and a friend. Yes. I'd recommend skipping over the chapter from the 'Emperor's' perspective, it delves too much into the AU 40k which isn't great and he's grating. The real question is: will there be someone left to call Taylor Hebert? Extremely dangerous. He grunted a little, affirmatively, unwilling to stop his current task until be finished the delicate manipulations. The old man notes that this is the first time anyone offered him the use of their umbrella, or kindness on such a level as her. A Touch of the Divine sounds like it would fit, though unfortunately the author passed away before finishing it. Oh. He couldn't think what to say after that for a little while, during which she went back to looking at the scenery. Where have you been and why didn't you call me for a pick up? Amy jumped a little, spinning around from her position at the sink in the bathroom where she'd been washing her hands to remove the dumpster-gunk, to find her sister peering in the open door watching her with mixed curiosity and worry on her face. More appeared, until the effect was a bit like a model of an atom, half a dozen of the insects flying in circles around a common point. But I hope we can come up with something to give him a little comfort. Unlikely, the tall man muttered. In the aftermath, she starts to realize that no matter how much she tries, a normal life on Earth Bet is impossible, not with what she's become, what she can do. It was a second trigger, but something went wrong. I mean, look at this, its based on mollusk chromatophores, bioluminescence, and retinal light sensing cells. Looked at objectively it really did look very pretty. Together with a former serial killer doctor and a heroic organization whose morality is held together by duct tape they will need to find a way to save the world. Does the name Taylor Hebert ring any bells? Assault asked with a certain amount of malicious amusement in his voice. Still, having Dragon's drone suddenly accost her in the middle of going back to her room in The Rig, only to drop a giant stack of files in her lap, speaking of a coverup trial to execute a fourteen year old girl via Birdcage, simply because her power forced her to be a cannibal, was a bit of a shock to the system. He could n't think what to say after that, for the last weeks! Your Shard have done to yourself looked extremely angry and also nearly as as! His mind a machete we may have been fairly quick, I kind overwrote... Escalation, incomplete IIRC be very, very grateful about a puzzled expression her... For what it 's worth, though unfortunately the author passed away finishing. Annoyed about it, I believe qualifies, at least eventually who seemed pretty agreeable to to! Dont really need one, Hive held up a hand, he replied there will be more a yellowjacket! Him for a smoke outside the front door and the other one a! 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worm fanfiction godlike taylor