
mudae bot tips

You can also add a second number to modify the 8 second default value. $profilearrange: ($pa) Arrange the order of the categories on your profile. Step 2: As soon as you click on the link in your invite, you'll be sent to the Discord server, where you can join. 1. It's almost the opposite of the one that comes before it. The receiving server must have invited Mudae for the first time during the last 30 days. $topservy: ($tsy) Server ladder for characters with the most of keys. Any emoji will suffice. 1. $togglelikerolls: (admin) Display or not like ranks during rolls. It does not matter if you are a 10 year old child, a 17 year old otaku, a 24 year old nerd or a 56 year old grandpa; if you want to use the Mudae Bot to collect those beautiful big eyed waifus or those smart and dashing husbandos who can make even a man question their desires, then this is the guide for you. $addimg: (moderator) Add a custom image for an existing character. $marryexchange: Exchange characters with the mentioned player. $pokeduel @User: Starts a pokduel (useless random game). It stands for husbando. This will show all the characters of that series that are in the Mudae bot. There are many types of multiplayer games available as well as many other unlimited options for entertainment and fun. You gather all the characters you wish to wed and compete with your friends to have the most attractive harem. $setrolls: Admins can reduce or increase the number of rolls for the whole server. $build : ($b) Choose a perk and build a floor for the kakera tower. $toggledisturbing: (admin) Toggle series containing horror images. Change the embed color for characters that have at least one key. It lets users perform the following functions: Marry anime characters with the. It stands for marry. $husbandos ($h): Just one of the basic Mudae commands. $husbando: Random husbando. $skills: Invest skill points in a character you own. But it does not end there. Also, there is a rule according to which you cannot claim all the waifus and husbandos because of the time limit. Equivalent commands usable with Mudae GM: $skillsgm, $vsgm, $dsgm, $favarenagm. This command is used to add customized descriptions or notes to your waifus and husbandos. Step 2 - Now, you can select in which server you want to add Mudae Bot and after selecting click on continue. $imaq! Example: $customcd 10 :chestnut: :deciduous_tree: :chipmunk: $fate @User: Describes the trend between you and the mentioned. Kakera cannot be a negative value. The character rolled is random irrespective of the fact whether they are male (husbandos) or female (waifus) or both. $togglekakerasnipe: $togglesnipe for kakera. If you are one of them and do not have the bot on your server then wait no more, invite the bot to your server from the invite link mentioned below (this post is not sponsored lol xD). Example: if you change this value to 5000, the first floor will cost 5000 , then each floor will be incremented by this base value (the 2nd floor will cost 10000, the 3rd 15000). .zklaml-syj27z{font-family:adobe-garamond-pro,serif;font-weight:400;font-style:normal;font-variant-numeric:lining-nums;line-height:1.45;overflow-wrap:break-word;color:black;-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;display:inline-block;cursor:pointer;color:white!important;font-family:sans-serif;font-size:12px;}.zklaml-syj27z:hover{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;}.zklaml-syj27z:hover{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;}Privacy Policy | Terms & Conditions | | $togglesnipe 3: (wish restriction 1) When someone rolls a WISHED character, this character can't be sniped for 8 seconds EXCEPT for people wishing for this character (AND the roller), $togglesnipe 4: (wish restriction 2) When someone rolls a WISHED character, this character can't be sniped for 8 seconds EXCEPT for people wishing for this character (the roller CAN'T claim this character either, except if they wished for it), $togglesnipe 5: (combined restriction 1) Any character rolled can't be sniped for 8 second(s) EXCEPT for people wishing for this character (AND the roller), $togglesnipe 6: (combined restriction 2) Any character rolled can't be sniped for 8 second(s) EXCEPT for people wishing for this character (the roller CAN'T claim this wish except if they wished for it). Isn't it time for you to start taking advantage of all that the bot and its commands can do? So this command should be used if you are only interested in collecting waifus for your collection. This command allows you to view your harem or your marriage list where you will see a list of all the characters that you have married. $42ball : Answers to your yes or no questions. So this command should be used if you are only interested in collecting waifus for your collection. $dailykakera: Earn a daily amount of kakera. $bitesthedust requiem: Divorce all the characters of each player in the server; divorced characters give their kakera value to their owner. $bitesthedust scrap: Divorce all the characters of each player in the server; divorced characters give their kakera value to the server kakera scraps. To add a Mudae bot you have to first invite the Mudae bot on your discord server. If this is not the case, a player can only receive a free gift once every 12 hours; any additional gift will consume their claim. Wish for an entire series. $lang: Change language (en, fr, pt-br, es or de). $jankenpon @User: Rock-paper-scissors by affinity. $haremlimit: (admin) Change the maximum number of characters per user. This will copy your harem from another server (adding all the characters to your current harem, EXCEPT already claimed characters, custom characters and characters from the series Azur Lane, Arknights and Mahjong Soul). It also allows users to catch pokemons and play other multiplayer games, etc. $deny: (owner) Deny some commands for a role. Change whether reactions should be automatically added under the rolls during high traffic hours (4am to 11pm PST) for your own rolls. Options: rare, sumrare, id, abc, full, shiny, leg, beast, gen#, double, emoji ($pde), , <@User/user ID>. If you want claimed characters to appear less often, increase the value. $resetalias unclaimed: Reset $alias2 for all the unclaimed characters of your server, $resetalias2 unclaimed: Reset $alias2 for all the unclaimed characters of your server, $resetimg unclaimed: Reset $alias2 for all the unclaimed characters of your server, $fullresetalias: reset all aliases to the default value. $vote: Help Mudae to entertain mankind and get a free rolls reset. Note that you will still need to use $ when separating characters, series, etc. .zklaml-k63hep{font-weight:bold;color:undefined;}Mudae bot.zklaml-1p7ut1l{color:undefined;} seems to be a very widely known Discord bot that is used by a lot of people today, and many people use it. Everything is added to your current amounts and nothing is removed from both servers. $fnp $ to also search by character name. Sort all your harem in reverse order: $sm reverse, To add multiple images to the same character, separate the links with a $, It is recommended to add .gif at the end of the link when adding a gif (12 max per character). $join: Link to join Mudae on her server and get more infos. A higher number means already claimed characters will spawn less often. Step 2: When you have clicked on the invite link you will be redirected onto the discord where it will ask you to select the discord server in which you want to add the Mudae bot. Get a DM or don't be mentioned for Bronze/Silver/Emerald bonuses. Change which image appears first for that character. Customize the emojis that appear under characters, used to claim them. $alist: See availables aliases for a character. This will refund all the kakera this user invested in kakera badges (kakera badge levels will drop to 0). $marryup: Time left before your next claim. Change the possibility to claim on other players' rolls/wishes. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Use $antidisablelist ($adl) to see your list of antidisabled characters, Use $antienable ($ae) to remove characters from your $antidisablelist (or $aeall for all), Use $antidisabledel ($add) to autodelete your $ad command, You can enable specific characters or series with $antidisable, You can disable specific series with $disable (the same amount of characters are enabled if you go below the limits mentioned above). You can customize your profile and fight against other characters. $marry: Random waifu or husbando. How to Install Mudae Bot Go to the Mudae Bot page and click "Invite to Server." Select your server and click "Continue" (you'll need to log in to Discord to complete this step). According to Mudae's official Twitter post: "Mudae has been instantly API banned by Discord, they probably added a new flag tonight to automatically ban spam bots without any check. Copyright 2023 $cleankakera everyone: refund all badges and remove all kakera to all players. $renameclaim: Change your claim message. $servlimroul: Characters that aren't very popular can be turned off in mode 2. The spawn rate of wishes is the same as any character but they can be boosted with kakera (see $k and $kt). $topserv lastclaim: ($ts lc) Date of the last claim for each user. $randomimg cust 1: Custom images are never displayed when you roll. You must include a place for the character's name as and a place for the user's name as . Join the Mudae bot support community to make full use of the Mudae bot. Mudae's default prefix is "$". $unrestrict to remove a restricted command for a role (undo). $rollsup: Rolls left before the next reset. $setpermission kakerarefund charowner => users can use $kakerarefund for themselves. Server list (or someone's list with their ID) of alias2. After using this command, nobody will be able to use the command BUT the specified role and admins. Second instances ($channelinstance) can't be set to the default mode for regular servers. See the category FLAGS LIST below to know how to filter your harem and other lists! Log in to your Discord server. $profilebadge: ($pb) Change the badges/mudapins displayed on your profile. $toggleclaimrolls: (admin) Display or not claim ranks during rolls. List of divorced characters by moderation commands ($bitesthedust, $forcedivorce, $cleanuser). Hundreds of commands are available, from original multiplayer word-based games to fun commands such as random anime quotes. $myid: Get your user/server Discord full ID. It's good if you like anime, manga, or video games then, this is the bot for you. $channelrestrict: (admin) Restrict some commands so they can only be used in the current channel. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); When you have added the Mudae bot on the discord server then the users can start making waifus and husbandos appear in the chat room. $restore: (admin) Restore a character from the restorelist. The note is bound to the image itself (not the position). $wishsort: automatically sort your wishlist by alphabetical order. 60 = one hour interval between each claim (server premium II). There are only five or six important commands which are given in more detail down below. Join the Mudae bot support community to make full use of the Mudae bot. There are many differences between the Mudae Discord bot and the Karuta bot, but they both work in a lot of ways. $thanosall requiem: Divorce half of the harem of each player in the server; divorced characters give their kakera value to their owner. Along with the usual Flags, you can also use $sld- to hide duplicate characters on your soulmate list. $imglink: Display image links during your rolls. $c [character name] $[number of image] This command is used to change the default image of a particular character. $fn: Find notes in your harem from the $note command. $perstogglereact 1: During your rolls, reactions are automatically added under public wishes only. $haremcopy : (player premium II) Copy your harem on another server, under conditions. If you have already claimed one recently then it shows how much time is left (the cooldown) before you can claim a new character. $wishpurge: remove doubles and already claimed characters (or $wpx to purge while keeping wishes for characters claimed by yourself), Use $wishd instead of $wish to instantly delete your message, Use $wishl instead of $wish to lock your wish (effects: not affected by $wp and $wpx), Use $wishk instead of $wish to wish for more kakera (effects: +220 kakera instead of +200 with Silver IV bonus, mentions/DM disabled when the character spawns and not considered as a wish for the wishprotect kakeraloot feature), To remove a series from your $disablelist, use $enable or $enableall. $tu - One of the most important commands of Mudae bot is $tu which stands for 'time up'. Mudae is a discord bot specialized in multiplayer games and anime stuff. $randomimg 1: Images are random for ALL your rolls. Once reacted, that character will be married to you and added to your collection. $wishseries: (player premium) Be mentioned for each character of the series. This command is used to change the default image of a particular character. $personalrare: Change the spawn rarity of owned characters. With $setinterval 60, claims and rolls will be reset at rounded hours. This is the second of the three basic commands. $kakeradm 0: when you get kakera from a Bronze/Silver/Emerald IV bonus, you will be pinged in the channel (default option), $kakeradm 1: when you get kakera from a Bronze/Silver/Emerald IV bonus, you will only be notified by DM, $kakeradm 2: you won't be notified anymore when you get kakera from a Bronze/Silver/Emerald IV bonus, $togglekakeraserver: disable/enable the kakera system in your server, $togglekakeradivorce: disable/enable the kakera system when using $divorce (characters don't give kakera anymore when divorced), $togglekakeraclaim: disable/enable the involvement of ranks by claims in the calculation of kakera (mostly when using $divorce), $togglekakeralike: disable/enable the involvement of ranks by likes in the calculation of kakera (mostly when using $divorce), $togglekakerareact: disable/enable the kakera reactions on rolls, $togglekakeratrade: enable/disable the kakera trading for your server, $togglekakeradaily: disable/enable the $dailykakera command for your server. Change the claim interval (down to one hour). Add a character to your wishlist, and when the character shows up in the chat, you'll get a notification that says "I want this.". For Mudae Discord bot we currently have help message previews, 0 bot commands and 0 slash commands. List of possible colors, per order of value: purple, blue, teal, green, yellow, orange, red, rainbow, light. Mudae should now be in your server. $selfresetalias: reset all aliases to the default value for ALL YOUR characters ($a), $selfresetalias2: remove all the custom secondary aliases for ALL YOUR characters ($a2), $selfresetimg: reset all images positions to the default value for ALL YOUR characters ($c), $selfresetcustimg: remove all the custom images for ALL YOUR characters ($ai), $noteremoveall: remove all harem notes for ALL YOUR characters ($n), $antienableall: clean your $antidisablelist, $selfresetkeys: clean all the keys for ALL YOUR characters (not soulkeys). To get the Discord full ID, enable the developer mode in your Discord settings (appearance/behavior) then right click on their icon. $togglereact 1: reactions and buttons are never automatically added under the rolls of characters. It's there that you'll be asked to choose a Discord server in which you want to add your Mudae bot. $toggleclaimrank: (admin) Toggle character ranking by number of claims. $rc none: Change claim text to default text. The majority of these can already be viewed using $help or $channelhelp, but they are documented here nonetheless. This value is automatically doubled for slash commands (if no one flooded too much between your rolls). $servlimroul: (mode 2, admin) Disable the less popular characters. It stands for waifu and is exactly the same as the $m command. Restrict some commands for a character you own is & quot ; toggledisturbing! Claim all the characters of that series that are n't very popular can be turned off in mode,. 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