
amatyakaraka in 12th house

Whatever I got to learn from the discussion on this blog has improved my understanding,sir.thank you. If you count 10 places from the 10th house , you will reach the 7th house . All comments have to be approved by the Administrator before it is published, Please contact me either by email or by WhatsApp. If AK is in 12th house the native is … Ketu + Benefic influence -Heaven & Moksha. Again you are bringing your own case of AK and AmK in Leo. Sage Jaimini teaches that: Ketu in 12th house or 4th house from Atma Karaka (AK) in Navamsha (D-9), indicate liberation from Maya. Different planets as amatyakaraka result in various different career life.. one’s affinity and skill towards a particular profession is determined by amatyakaraka planet. Rahu in Lagna – Temporary jobs / frequent transfers/ bad prospects in profession. 36. Aries- Venus 12th house: The native would be indifferent for his or her spouse. D-10 will not indicate the age at which you start your job. Interactive site for Astrological matters. I have already said that it forms a Jaimini Rajayoga. This is as simple as it can get. The twelfth house from Lagna shows that what releases one from the bonds of this world. If the Atmakaraka is in 2nd house (lagna in the 12th from AK), then the native is a renunciate and possibly even a saint (if other criteria additionally apply in the horoscope). This is my endeavour to simplify the matter so that any individual can easily decode D-10.But this does not mean that you get all the details of your profession by D-10 alone and therefore you may still have to consult your astrologer for an in depth analysis. I will guide you further. It signifies the mind. Graha’s in 12th from Karakamsa Indications. Okay sir, I will not ask any personal questions…actually my interest in astrology grew since the time i started exploring my chart, astrology is really very vast like an ocean and very mysterious too. Find the atmakaraaka of your birth chart. Now you are asking if he will do well in 6th, 8th and 12th house. and Marakas etc. The 7th house and 7th lord could also give you some hint about your career . Sun or Saturn in Upachaya (3,6,10 and 11) – Good job. What kind of impact can it have on the native? Leo,virgo,libra- vacant……(Venus is my aatma karak, and sun is my amatya karaka, Mercury is my lagnesh in basic lagna chart and is exalted in virgo, conjunct ketu,,while mercury is debilitates in D-9 chart in pisces) also My atma karak and amatya karak (sun+venus+ mars ) are conjunct in Leo in 10th house of karakamsha chart) I am 28-jobless, and preparing for government jobs exams, will i be selected. If Lagna has any two planets, namely, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter or Venus – will become Jyothishis, Veda Pundits or Sanskrit scholars. Yes, provided Lagna Lord of D-10 has gone to a good house. According to Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra (BPHS) the Atmakaraka is of prime importance in a chart. Scorpio house-vacant The specific form which feeds the atma is the Palana Devata (sixth from amatyakaraka in navamsa) and is the form of the mother (moon). Sir in my D1 Lagna chart- I have gemini rising, and Pisces rashi do they cooperate with each other as one is said to be Minister or vehicle, and other the King. Thank you sir.this blog is so useful for students like me. The Sign Where the Amatyakaraka Planet is Placed in D10 chart, The planets conjunct or aspecting this Planet in D10 chart offers hints in direction of your Profession. the native becomes a commander in the army. 10th House / 10th Lord associated with Saturn – Unemployment / dismissal from service. ( 5th house is also Maraka sthana for Sa in first house). The Moon in 12th from Karakamsa Lagna is responsible for giving riches and luxuries, while Venus in 12th house from this Lagna is responsible for his earnings through scholarships, wisdom or through fine arts as well as performing arts. To find out about your career , note the following points : * Conjunction of 10th lord with other planets, After noting all this down , see the position of, * Nakshatras  in which they are placed in. Since the Sun is the indicator of the Atman (soul), this is a natural position for the Sun to be in. Comments column cannot be used to discuss personal problems. D-1 Yogakaraka in Lagna or aspecting Lagna – Raja yoga in profession. One question: Suppose atmakaraka is mercury in pisces in 3rd house (conj. First establish that he is self employed and corelate all other factors like success / failure etc. Expert advice given to remedy delay in marriage for any reason, specially "Kuja Dosha / Manglik" with Pariharas which are proven and work miracles. especially in respect to atmakarak or amatya karak, And as you said- if atmakarak and amatya karak are in same house/aspect it results in jaimini rajyoga, but if they are natural enemies eg- Sun& venus in same house in leo(purvaphalguni- whose lord is venus ) then what will be the outcome ? Malefic -Expenses on vicious deeds. Now you are adding they are enemies, in enemy house, enemy Nakshatra, Yogakaraka is a planet which owns a Kendra and a Trikona. Example: Neechbhanga, Parivartan, Gaja Kesari, Vipreet Raj Yoga etc.?? Amatyakaraka is the planet holding the 2nd highest degree excluding rahu & ketu . This is the house signifying the emancipation of the soul and we have to examine this house in order to find one's Ishta Devata. Dasha/Bhukti will tell you when you land your first job. If Mars is strong there shall be Rājayoga. When the dasha of Libra is reached, there is Amatyakaraka in the tenth house from Libra, aspected by these benefics. In Divisional Charts there are no aspects, Yogas (Parivartana!) With that in mind, most people restrict the career only with the 10th house, but it is a premature conclusion. Would appreciate if you could hint at my direction of my chart wrt spiritual growth and soul path. If conjunction is in good house, good effects will follow. Clarification on personal matters constitute consultation and this involves money. In vedic astrology , 10th house is the house of career and profession . Many thank. I am a professional astrologer teaching the subject at Bharathiya Vidya Bhavan, Bangalore under the aegis of Bharathiya Jyothish Samsthan (R), Bangalore. Therefore it suggests to me that the timing of his birth may not be precise. Karakas for profession, namely Sun, Saturn and Mercury, if any one of them in own house – Good job. So Amatyakaraka mars also tries to bring that energy in Profession and Career. That number let us say 12 … Thank you sir.can one expect progress in career during the mahadasha or antardasa of a planet that is in the ascendant of d10? The native is blessed with accrued assets and property, as well as respect and love from close friends and relatives. See that atmakaraka is placed in which house in D9 chart. I have Mars as AK which is in 9th house with Venus and Mercury (Amatyakaraka) and is the lord of 10 house (Aries sign) where Sun is placed (exalted). The 2nd house rules earning or source of income and 11th house rules source of gains are also an important factor in deciding the career. Thus, the main role of Atmakaraka is to purify the soul. Sagitarius house-vacant Atmakaraka planet anticipates about the development of soul during the life. When Aatmakarak planet is located in any sign in the navmansh kundli, that sign is called Karkansh sign and the lord of that sign is called the karkansh planet. In D-9 chart, AK Mars is in 6th house and Ketu is in 4th house from it. Varga Sameekshe – Kannada classic compiled by S Suryanarayan Rao. Libra will be the lagna/ ascendant of Karakamsa chart. This is a sequel to my earlier article on Profession.People are frequently asking me to look into their chart for their career graph, like promotion, increment, transfers etc. You simply need to submit three questions that are important to your current life situation by providing your date of birth, time of birth and place of birth. The Amatyakaraka takes the responsibility of feeding the Atmakaraka and therefore shows whom the Atma is dependant on in this birth. I have few droughts I will come back to u sir. Sa in Li in first house and Ve in Aq in 5th house. During Dasha / Bhukti of Malefics planets in Kendra- Setback, demotion, disgrace etc. This will give you the information about, how the native behaves with his spouse in front of the whole world. Benefic or none – Expenses on good deeds. This is the house signifying the emancipation of the soul and we have to examine this house to know about ishta devata. Moon is the amatyakaraka of the chart. 35. Lagna 27001′ Mars 28036′ Venus 12052’’ Sun 28043’ Mercury 23041′ Saturn (R) 12054’’ During Dasha / Bhukti of planets in Trikona – assistance / help from friends and well wishers. Finding your ideal career or profession can be a bit complicated but through astrology , you can get a hint as to what you are actually good at and in which direction you should go towards . If 2nd, 9th, 10th and 11th Lord are together – Will reach top in business. Now should we take parivartan first or maraka? Capricorn house- Mars,rahu,moon Amatyakaraka The graha obtaining the second highest longitude is called Amatyakaraka. You need to verify the … I have searched almost every source on the internet to learn astrological insights about various aspects of yogas, etc but the more i know it gets even more confusing thanks a lot that you answered- almost everywhere it is said that D-1,D-9, D-10 chart play a major role in ones life..and all of 3 should be checked to define results. 37. eg some people work at very early age 14 on wards, some join late in 50s. The Atma karaka should at the same time be conjunct a benefic. If from the lords of the first and seventh houses from the Atmakaraka, the fifth house has Jupiter, Venus, or the Moon, the native has political or governmental power or authority. Everyone is interested to know their future profession and this is also a guide to their education or specialisation in their college studies. In the Virgo dash a it had to be better still as the same Amatyakaraka is now in the eleventh house. No. Ishta Devatas of various planets are … After you have extracted all the information from Rashi chart then only proceed to D-10. Duryoga - 10th lord in 6th, 8th & 12th House/ Amatyakaraka In Dusthana Houses. Happy Reading ! Important: D-10 is to be analysed as chart by itself. As stated earlier, please consult your astrologer for detailed analysis. Dasamsha or one-tenth part of the Rashi Kundali represents the Profession and is to be used for detailed analysis while profiling one’s career. You ought to learn concerning the effects when Saturn occupies the 10th house. During Dasha / Bhukti of Benefic planets in Kendra – Promotion and success. Tags: Career, D-10, Dasamsha, Divisional Charts, Karakamsha, Karma Sthana, Profession, Saturn, Good Morning sir All these have to be looked into only in Rashi Chart. some join husbands or family business. Venus alone in 8th House – Lucky and excellent success in profession. Lagna Lord in Own House / exalted – Good job. Where is the question of Jupiter becoming Yogakaraka for Pisces Ascendant? i know one lady who after marriage, after children settled she joined, in dont have charts. Gemini-vacant I am a busy person and have to devote time for my paying clients. please guide me sir i am in big stress…(my dob- 9/9/1987, time–1:40am, place-mumbai,(parel). Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Aquarius house- Saturn With Atmakaraka in the 12th house, the native will be very rich and will be blessed by Lakshmi.The native will enjoy all the wealth. Aries/Sagittarius Ketu + Benefic -Moksha. This house becomes the main house as it is responsible for all the karmic experiences. MARRIAGE ASTROLOGY FOREIGN SPOUSE IN VEDIC ASTROLOGY  The 7th house in vedic astrolgy deals with marriage and spouse . the 12th house from Karakamsa is called “jivanmuktamsa”. I am also a founder trustee of BJS and have been conferred many titles chief among them are Jyothish Kovid, Jyothish Visharada, Jyothish Mahopadhyaya, Jyothish Marthanda, Jyothish Kaladhara etc., Those who are interested in astrology can make use of the articles under different categories. Saturn is the karaka of the 12th house, and thus indicates the path of either a sannyasi (a formal renunciate) or someone who gives charity for humanitarian purposes. Naidhanamsha, 64th Navamsha, 22nd Drekkana etc. If AK is in 11th house, the native shall be brave, successful in war and capable of executing any task. How does Parivartana work in D10? You will get the answers you have been searching for as well as powerful remedies to finally solve your problems. Only horoscope will be sent and no predictions will be given.For predictions, please read 'Contact Me' page. Yogas are to be reckoned in D-1 only.Even aspects are not relevant in Divisional Charts. 9th Lord in 9th House – Success in profession. Atmkaraka and Amatyakaraka in Kundali are situated together in a house or both of Sun in own house / exalted – good job and will become a good leader in politics. Will Saturn do well being the lagna Lord of d10 and placed in 6th,8th or 12th house? 7th Lord of D-1 /D-10 in own house or exalted – Very good progress in profession. Sorry sir I asked the question because I came across a theory that Saturn and Mars does well in Malefic houses of d10 also.i wanted to confirm was out of curiosity. The house in the birth chart in which Atmakaraka planet is positioned should be given special attention. D-10 Lagna is Profession, 2nd house environs /surroundings. Moreover if Jupiter, Mercury and Venus are also strong then the native will also be a learned person with immense knowledge.The native … with sun) and amatyakaraka is saturn in libra in 10th house in D-1 chart ; in D-9 chart mercury in pisces in 7th house and saturn in aries in 8th house conj. In astrology, the 10th house refers to a career or professional life. This should be used as a guide only and do not try to take decisions based only on this. It is the planet in your birth chart which attains the second highest degree in your birth chart or the graha obtaining the second highest longitude is called Amatyakaraka. How Amatyakaraka Planet In Horoscope Determine Your Career: Importance and significance of amatyakaraka planets in career and profession:- Amatyakaraka planet is deals with one’s action, karma, deeds. It was the Dasa of Sagitarius and the Antardasa (Bhukti) of Gemini. The twelfth house from the karakamsa is called the J ivanmuktamsa. The aim is to spread the knowledge of astrology and to clear the myths and misconceptions that revolve around this science . Amatyakaraka. If the Atmakaraka is in 2nd house (lagna in the 12th from AK), then the native is a renunciate and possibly even a saint (if other criteria additionally apply in the horoscope). The nature and Tatwa of the sign of 10th House also gives us a clue about profession. Planets in 10th House, planets aspecting 10th House, 10th Lord and planets aspecting it and the Navamsha dispositor of 10th Lord decide your profession. Very nice article Vishalji! Please read what is written in red at the bottom of the article. sir, how to find out age of person in job. do we see role of 7th lord, 7th house for spouse and family business 9th or 10th. There is no single reference book and info has been compiled from various classical books. it is even better. The planet that decides the Career and close accomplices. Being the most personal planet, it has the strongest say over Moksha (final emancipation) and for that reason, the 12th house from the Atmakaraka in the Navamsa chart (dharmamsa) is used to ascertain the ishtadevata or the personal Deity who will guide the soul to its real home – Moksha. Lagna lord and Atmakaraka in the12th house in Dasamsha show the rejection of his future role as a Monarch. For free horoscope,mail your Date of Birth, Time of Birth and Place of Birth. Sorry sir pardon me if I am wrong.for Pisces ascendant,Jupiter owns the 1st house and 10th house.1st house is both a kendra and trikona,10th house a kendra.i therefore arrived at a conclusion that Jupiter can be the yogakaraka planet for Pisces ascendant.which one according to you it’s the yogakaraka planet for Pisces ascendant? Spouse should be seen from 7th house of D9 chart. If the Arudha of the 9th house be itself the natal ascendant or if Atma karaka be in the 9th jouse the native will be associated with royal circles. Amatyakaraka Mars:When we see Amatyakaraka Mars in a birth chart, we can say that the person is most suitable for any kind of military work.Mars is the Army chief among the planets. No personal matter will be entertained under 'Comments'. During Dasha / Bhukti of planets which are powerless, malefic or debilitatated occupying 10th House – Lot of difficulties in profession. Extraordinary good. Taurus- Jupiter Exalted / Own benefic – Heaven. If the AK is in the 12th house, the native is very rich and blessed by Lakshmi. Karakamsha (Navamsha of Atma Karaka) also gives us some information. Sir, kindly answer my generic question….what does it mean to have Atma karak and Amatya karaka in same house in lagna chart ? The concentration of planets in the 12th house will make any one doubt the validity of the horoscope, but remember that he was born in royalty and the birth times of royalties have been well documented. Nothing to do with 7th Lord / House. You are wasting my time. Saturn is the karaka of the 12th house, and thus indicates the path of either a sannyasi (a formal renunciate) or someone who gives charity for humanitarian purposes. D-10 Lagna is Profession, 2nd house environs /surroundings. Vedic enigma is a platform for people who are keenly interested in learning the art of vedic astrology . Both the lagna lord and the Atmakaraka are placed in the 12th house. If Sun holds the highest degrees in your birth chart, then Sun is your atmakaraka, or soul indicator.But, what does it mean to have the bright and life-giving Sun as your atmakaraka? In navamsa Saturn is exalted in the sign of Libra. Following are the likely results of the analysis of D-10. In jaimini astrology , there are various karakas for different things . What is Amatyakaraka ? This is the house signifying the emancipation of the soul and we have to examine this house in order to find one's Ishta Devata. For personal consultation,you are advised to go through the 'Consultation' page. This placement of Ketu, in the 4th house from AK, also gives great motion to the Atma and brings great spiritual upliftment. I strongly advice all students to subscribe to this site so that they are automatically informed of new postings. Please do not disturb me. If the Amatyakaraka is placed in kendras or trikonas from the Atmakaraka or in the eleventh house in the birth horoscope or in the Navamsha, good positions in life are attained with less struggle. If Capricorn has malefics – Indulge in bad / evil /illegal profession. 10th Lord of D-1 / D-10 in own house / exalted –Very good job. them have mutual aspect on each other, it forms Jaimini Rajyoga. 12. From  Moon Lagna, if 6th  and 9th house has association with Sun and Saturn –Quarrel with superiors and hence uncertainty in profession. Everyone around the native are well earned and thus, provide a luxurious life to the native. If there is a planet in that house the deity related to that planet becomes your Ishtadevata if not look for the ruler of that house. Further questions will not be answered. There is no Yogakaraka for Pisces ascendant. Suppose a planet is exalted in D1 chart, but debilitated in D-9, but again good/ exalted position in D-10 chart.. then what will be the result or outcome? Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment. The amatyakaraka works quite differently and shows karma yoga. 10th house deals with karma and our work or profession is also a kind of karma . A person with Atmakaraka is in 10th house receives happiness through family, home and mother.

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