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You can’t blame women for your faults and having an attitude like this you’ll forever be a virgin. But how do I trust them? The problem is that we tend to generalize all women together as being useless. The lead character drives onto a runway and prevents a plane from taking off. I’ve seen this happen many times. Basically, encouraging me to be some rugged individualistic male. My First, and last, divorse left me destitute. cushion a society so that women have a louder voice. All of your efforts still support females through taxes. Bigotry that blinds a person that much can’t really be penetrated. yep, but if they did well it would be completely down to women. Household chores are much easier to do now. We must learn to distill complex concepts into simple memes, just as the left does. That As the irate responses here show it’s all about the fee-feelzzzz…. The new common core math teaching will try to kill off the ability of people to do math in their head. Then we ought to head over to China and choose some top male and female graduates. Did you get your cookie? In all likelihood, your cunt will spawn other dumb cunts just like you, making the world they built a shitty place filled with dumb cunts (aka your offspring), “I take it you’re American if you are stupid enough to think that reality TV doesn’t minipulate the viewer’s opinion…”. If you are hoping for a collapse you had better be able to go 10 years without buying food. Report from Torsten Kass, Financial Correspondent, WNA. but this was dude to both female and male camps being on the same island. Women (feminists) have the luxuries, opportunities, benefits, etc…today because of men. so all the people thinking that men should be a certain way and women should sit and take it amuse me. YOU CAN SHOVE YOUR FUCKING RED PILLS UP YOUR ASS YOU FUCKING DIP SHITS. In return, three women would take their place at the men’s island. It’s like telling a VW they can perform like a Lamborghini Reventon just because, from an anecdotal standpoint, the VW feels it thinks like a Reventon, even though being a Reventon has NOTHING to do w/thought, but rather by its build and engine. Lazy, lying with no integrity or care for men. One of my earliest internships during school was on a trading floor on one of the giant banks you’ve all heard of. Only a few will think outside the paradigm o what they know….. Yeah Goyim it is the liberals who is behind it all. It’s the truth anyway, and it is very effective because beta simps will do just about anything to increase their chances of scoring some poon. Some of us would tow the boats, and some would just rock up. Come one, where did you find these airheads? Someone once said, “Without men, civilization would last until the oil needed changing.”, That would be the indispensable Fred Reed: Their is a natural hierarchy to life. I can completely understand what you’re saying Toby but I tend to somewhat agree with the first approach mentioned by the guest comment. not intellectually, women just are less inclined to take a risk, so to just do something without everyone agreeing, is a risk and the consequences of that would be on her. The reality is pretty much the opposite. Only a total sexist could allow that to represent all women for this kind of “experiment”! They don’t even dare consider that women should take personal responsibility for their careers, because they’re perpetual victims who just can’t win because the cards are stacked against them by privileged white males. Post script: Sorry to the guys who read and comment here, for the diatribe. It’s because that is all that they’ve had to do before now. Right now, the “patriarchy” is paying their salary, fixing their roads, connecting their internet, taking out their garbage, illuminating their living room, and constructing the cars they drive to work. Reason being is because they can’t do much of anything else. I used to go for long night drives in my car, but since I moved here six years ago I have to come to prefer walking. But they should not be superior to men. Because people wanted “more” in all cases. : “But the concept is sound!” = “That’s just because it just wasn’t done right!”. that all the smart women were supposed to become intellectual and ethical O’Rourke also said something along that same line. …. Aye, same here. In other words, Neanderthal chicks wanted to ‘go grrl’ and join men in the labour force and fucked things up. Your post is 100% predictable Feminist bullshit. Explains why there are so many men homeless. Hey, I hear you. I’m not sure why I’m even bothering to post on a site like this, but here goes: there is an obvious flaw to this “research.” That is, all of these women grew up within our current framework: the patriarchy. Time to learn practical politics: it’s brutal and effective. What lead to my divorse was the fact that she couldn’t, or wouldn’t do anything. yeah, nuclear fallout, black rain and skin peeling from our bodies in the perennial darkness of winter seems like a way kinder fate than a slow death by pussification. Zombie apocalipse! Find all of my reviews at: ... first saw the cover art for Mr. Mercedes I thought , “Awwwww, how sweet – Stephen King wrote a book about a guy who drives an ice cream truck” ; ) I didn’t bother to read the synopsis. Don’t throw away your life with words and phrases and the comfort they give you. There is a huge amount of anthropological data on what men and women contribute to survival in first world cultures. If it shits out a spawn that spawn will share your trash DNA. Seems rather strange. THAT’S THE POINT. Could you imagine if people like her had to give you legal advice or had some agency over your financial assets. In the end, men know that they need to get shit done. Infact I should leave more of those just lying around. Got one comment. The If you have ever been on the set of any film production, you will discover how 99% is actually staged. I’ve seen this is action myself. Then when enter 30s become desperado want fast2 marry n hav kids. But they still win hearts and minds because they have the most effective propaganda. There’s no way you could get me to stay on an island with a group of women who’s only concern in life is getting a tan. PLEASE SAVE YOURSELVES AND SAVE EACH OTHER!!! (And a tip for the other MGTOW: a crockpot/slow cooker is an essential item for your kitchen.). and not one male helped do anything. the only thing we nedd of them is just breeding thats it. ‘Even though’ I’m a man, this article makes me kind of angry…. Thus, the results of this experiment cannot be applied to the entire population as the subjects are not indicative of the entire population it is attempting to represent (i.e. In a traditional society, men are the disposable Rgardless of their creativity and skills, the men ended up the servants of the less capable, lazy, empty women. This makes prisoners aware that audio logs are present in these terminals and can be opened by reading it's log file. This report details the most recent employee health statistics at both Garganta and the SMC controlled coastal sectors. I don’t agree that feminist want everything equal only when it’s convienent. If you’re shit is together, the instructors just move the training schedule along. The women continued to bitch and sunbathe. People had to apply to play along, of course the program chose interesting people. We make your bed. It’s like taking someone (regardless of their sex), who has never been taught how to work, fend for themselves, and has been served for all their lives (in a few words completely spoiled) and leave them to survive by themselves in the wild or in the society. Now, I won’t disagree that reality TV doesn’t try to manipulate the show by picking and choosing who to put on, however for shows like this they don’t really manipulate the participants’ choices. You need to make a comprehensive list of these – its been done a few times – I think the Apprentice did it a few times – but also it would be natural for producers to show women in better light and ‘ratch’ the performance and make it easy for the women as its the politically correct thing to do as these shows are fake to a large extent. if it wasn’t nothing would get done. It goes like this. It’s that so many of them have become unfit as wives. You must make these final few weeks of the year really count. It’s about who calls the shots. When my youngest brother started kindergarten, our Mom went back to college to get her degree in teaching; my sister and I ‘moved up’ and started doing the heavier household chores: she did cooking while I vacuum cleaned the house and learned to wash and dry our clothes (in addition to all of our old chores). In a survival situation on television, men still have their primary responsibilities, food, shelter, protection as front-and-center. Equality is a long, painful process to attain, and everyone suffers during the process. And you are no jrey81. Just reading the HEADLINE has me cracking up. If you want women to be equal to men, the key is to hold them accountable on all levels in everything they do to the same level you hold men accountable. Maybe your eyeballs aren’t real. from appearances, i’d assume it’s a satire site. Gals would run civilization like an HR department. The self-called “alpha males” act largely like children themselves in most regards, and the entirety of the MGTOW movement can be claimed to be acting like children as well; both are, however, a product of the society. It’s possible, but it’s equally likely he’s just another omega male(with delusions of “alpha”) that’s so socially inept that he can’t detect even the most obvious forms of sarcasm. The winner used her machiavellian drive to eliminate the men. All jokes aside you actually agreed with the article but you are just too mentally challenged to realize that. FUCK THEM! Remember, the ‘legal’ system is HER friend, and is always on HER side. Lastly, I would like to point out that experiment has not arbitrarily divided the subjects into their corresponding groups (i.e. Earthquakes. There was a time when it was a full time job. Teach the man to fish and he will have food for himself and for this family for the rest of his life. And you know what those two chimp betas do? as ‘skills’ tells me everything I need to know. Also, betas are closer to second in command, not doormats, the term you’re looking for is delta male. It’s what gives men the edge, what empowers us to push beyond our limitations. With the surge of female empowerment many females have elected to be lazy and ride the wave… a few females that go on a show for the sake of being on TV does not make or speak for all women. J: (laughing, then groaning) This... place… (stuttering) it gets inside you, ya know? My hat’s off to you gents ! the science that we are taught is just one way of looking at things….. we are taught science like it’s a gospel truth, but it’s just a relative view point… everything in the 4 dimensions is relative to your point of view. Right now I want to go watch some Tahitian dancing. Feminism does not mean women are superior, or that we do things better, it’s about having equal rights. You also ignore that is matches in pretty well with society, exaggerated, yes. Or female soldiers? But when you finally accomplish it, you wonder why you wasted so much of your time, effort, energy, and money on chasing women (especially nowadays, when women have so little to offer.).

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